Who Is Karl Marx , Karl Marx LifeStory , Karl Marx 1818 - 1883
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Who Is Karl Marx , Karl Marx LifeStory , Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 |
Who Is Karl Marx - Ideas have consequences Sometimes good Sometimes bad And sometimes catastrophic - like the ideas of Karl Marx Born in Trier, Germany in 1818, Marx did not invent communism But it was on his ideas that Lenin and Stalin Built the Soviet Union, Mao built communist China, and innumerable other tyrants, from the Kims in North Korea Cuba, built their communist regimes Ultimately, those regimes and movement calling themselves "Marxist" murdered about 100 million people and enslaved more than one billion Marx believed that workers, those who who was exploited by capitalists - The people who owned, as Marx put it, "The means of production" (specially, factories) - but who did very little physical labor themselves Only a workers' revolution, Marx wrote in Das Kapital, could correct this injustice What would that revolution look like ? Marx and his collaborator, Friedrich Engels, spelled it out point-by-point in The Communist Manifesto It included the "abolition of property and inheritance "and the" centralization of credit, communication, and transport in the hands of the state. " And a lot more with the same lines In other words, the state owns and controls pretty much everything This notion was widely discussed and debated In European markets life, but nothing Vladimir Lenin took power in Russia in 1917.
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Who Is Karl Marx , Karl Marx LifeStory , Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 |
Who Is Karl Marx -This changed everything Despite its repeated economic failures,Lenin's Russia, which became known as the Soviet Union, became the model world Wherever Marx's ideas are practiced, life got worse - not by a little; but by a lot There is not a single exception to this rule Not the Soviet Union, not Eastern Europe, not China, not North Korea, not Vietnam, not Cuba, not Venezuela, not Bolivia, not Zimbabwe. Wherever Marxism goes, economic collapse, terror and famine follow So, if cataclysmic failure - meaning terrible Human suffering - is the inevitable legacy of Marxism, why do so many people - and now, especially, young people - defend it? Marxism's advocates offer is that "they" - whoever "they" are: Lenin, Stalin, Chavez - never really practiced marxism They all somehow got it wrong Marxism, we have said, is,
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Who Is Karl Marx , Karl Marx LifeStory , Karl Marx 1818 - 1883 |
Who Is Karl Marx - its essence, about sharing what we have: "From every according to to his ability, to each according to his needs, " as Marx put it. Maybe that sounds good to you But what does it mean? Who determines ability ? Who determines need? The answer is The State. The ruling elite Under Marxism, that's who's all of the power That's why the truth is this: Marxist dictators like Lenin, Mao and Pol Pot really did get Marxism right They wanted absolute power, and Marxism gave They are going to get it Karl Marx never had to face the consequences of his theories He lives the free air of London, England, living off The generosity of his collaborator and patron Engels, who, as it happens, inherited his money from his wealthy merchant father Marx the British Museum, researching and writing Although he was obsessed with the term "scientific," he was never able to marshal data to prove his theories There was a good reason for this: no data to prove their theories Marx could not Find out that capitalism - The free exchange of goods and services through privately-owned business - was a passing phase Workout constantly improved and wealth expanded. Marx had to rely on outdated reports to make his case And even then, he had to manipulate the data to get it predominantly But Marx did not have any interest in proving his theories He could be put in practice only by brute force He said so yourself. "Of course, in the beginning, [Communism] can not be effected by means of despotic inroads, "he wrote. His ends could be forcible overthrow of all current social conditions. " All existing social conditions That's religion, family, personal possessions, freedom, and democracy They were able to achieve Marx's vision of an earthly paradise But since few people give up their liberties and property voluntarily, creating a Marxist State has always required guns, prisons, and summary executions Marx's many disciples, from Lenin on, never considered this a problem Some, like revolutionary poster-boy Che Guevara, considered it a bonus "I do not need proof to execute a man," Che "I just need proof to execute him! " If you are still a fan of Marxism after all The death, suffering, and destruction it's caused, that's your right But own up to it Do not hide behind the "it's never really been tried "line. It has I'm Paul Kengor, Professor of Political Science at Grove City College, for Prager University
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