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The idea of Sardar Bhagat Singh who inspired the nation, Sardar Bhagat Singh, LifeStory, Essay, Biography

Bhagat Singh is not just a martyr but an idea that we all need to think about deeply Here is what Bhagat Singh taught us about religion, expressions, Humanity, freedom and much, LifeStory, Essay, Biography, Indian has got the heritage of freedom fighters before it got the independence Many freedom fighters sacrificed their lives Bhagat is known as one of the intelligent, aggressive and ambition-oriented people in the history of India. Many schools and colleges organize different competitions like speech and essay competitions. Students are also asked to write articles on various topics in exams, Bhagat Singh was an Indian socialist revolutionary considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement.

The idea of Sardar Bhagat Singh who inspired the nation, Sardar Bhagat Singh, Life Story & Biography

Bhagat Singh was an Indian socialist revolutionary considered to be one of the most influential revolutionaries of the Indian independence movement. He is often referred to as Shaheed Bhagat Singh, the word "Shaheed" meaning "martyr" in a number of Indian languages.Life Story

The nation celebrated the martyrdom of arguably one of India's biggest nationalists, Sardar Bhagat Singh, yesterday. But just a day after that, how many of us remember him? In this age of social media, every year his martyrdom is the first celebrated on the eve of Valentine's Day, then clarifications are issued, and subsequently, it is 23rd of March, to be consolidated immediately to the history of the annals of one year after the resurrection of awaiting. The moot point is here, is he a figure whose talk is only about the day associated with a moment of his life, i.e. his martyrdom? We do not think so.

If we as a nation really want to progress and become one of the best countries in the world, there is no better place to look for inspiration and guidance beyond his ideas and ideologies. As his memory ebbs after the media have finished celebrating his martyrdom day, here is an attempt to make him relevant throughout the year:
Essay on Veer Shahid Bhagat Singh, Speech

Essay on Veer Shahid Bhagat Singh, Speech

My life has been the noblest cause, that of the freedom of the country So, there is no rest or worldly desire
These are the words of the great freedom revolutionary of India Veer Shaheed Bhagat Singh. Just imagine a boy in his twenties determined to sacrifice his life for the motherland. Bhagat Singh is the epitome of patriotism and love for the motherland. He was fearless and very versatile in his work.

Bhagat Singh Background, Childhood, Family and History

Bhagat Singh is one of the eminent and charismatic figures, a freedom fighter and revolutionary in the Indian Independence movement who fought with British till his last breath and 23 years of young age at execution. Bhagat Singh born Banga village on 28 September 1907 in Punjab His father's name was Kishan Singh and his mother's name was Vidyavati. Bhagat Singh's family was very politically active His father and uncle were the active participants in the freedom movement and Bhagat Singh was greatly influenced by them.

Unlike other Sikh children, Bhagat Singh never attended the Khalsa High School in Lahore as his grandfather unapproved it as the high school officials. At the age of 12, he visited the Jaliyanwala Baug Massacre in 1919 where thousands of unarmed people were killed under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer. This incident left a great impact on Bhagat Singh's mind too, with the British Government

Bhagat Singh Education, Contributions and achievements

Bhagat Singh Education, Contributions and achievements
After getting disappointed by Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of non-violence as he called off the non-cooperation movement, Bhagat Singh joined the Young Revolutionary Movement and started the support of the British Government in India. Soon in 1923 he joined National College in Lahore and started taking interest in the British Government. He also joined the Hindustan Republican Association, which had prominent leaders like Chandrashekhar Azad, Ram Prasad Bismil, and Shahid Ashfaq Ullah Khan. To avoid an arranged marriage, he left his home, leaving a letter from which he can see.

On 30 October 1928 Lala Lajpat Rai led a protest against the Simon Commission. To disperse the crowd the superintendent of police, James A. Scott, ordered the laughing charges against the protesters Lala Lajpat Rai, who died and later died on 17 November 1928. To take revenge on Lalaji's death Bhagat Singh along with Shivaram Rajguru, Sukhdev Thapar, and Chandrashekhar Azad made a plan to kill Scott but they mistakenly killed John P. Saunders, an Assistant Superintendent of Police. Later they escaped from the huge search operation started in the city by disguising in western attires.

On 8 April 1929, Bhagat Singh, with Batukeshwar Dutt, threw two bombs in the assembly chamber The bombs were not designed to kill The intention of the explosion was to make the British government alert that the people of India will not tolerate them anymore. Instead of running away, both allowed the police to arrest them while they were pamphlets on their agenda and shouting the slogan "Inquilab Zindabad!" ("Long Live the Revolution").

Bhagat Singh Execution & Death

Bhagat Singh Execution & Death

On 23 March 1931, Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev were executed after being convicted on charges of murder of Saunders, conspiracy to kill Scott, and the bomb explosions in assembly. At the age of 23, Bhagat Singh sacrificed his life for the independence of his homeland, India. Many supporters of Bhagat Singh blamed Mahatma Gandhi for not interfering in the matter and that he had saved Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raguru from execution if he wanted to.


Bhagat Singh was a great revolutionary who will be remembered forever Because of his and many other freedom fighters' sacrifices, we are breathing in an independent country. As a citizen of India, we should respect the sacrifices of these martyrs and should help
Tips for Speech on Bhagat Singh

Tips for Speech on Bhagat Singh

  • Speeches are meant to be delivered with confidence and enthusiasm, so do not mug up the speech.
  • Practice the speech in front of your friends and family members.
  •   Prepare a structure in mind
  •   You can also use this information for anchoring speech too.
  • You can also use this information for compering / anchoring speech too.

Tips for Essay on Bhagat Singh

  • Double-check the facts and stats in your information such as important figures, dates, and individuals
  •   If you are not able to remember
  •   Be specific on your points
  • Try to avoid grammatical and punctuation mistakes.

Step out of blind faith in religion and related teachings

Bhagat Singh gave up religion, religious beliefs and ideologies and expounded the thought of why he did so in his work - Why I am an Atheist

The present generation needs to shed the appendages of religious beliefs and have faith in its own abilities to achieve the goal, not on the tell-tale signs and symbols of worship by the Byzantine maze of life. As Bhagat Singh had written:

"For selfish motives, I am not going to pray. Readers and friends, is this vanity? If it is, I stand for it. "- Shaheed Bhagat Singh's last lines in his pamphlet Titled 

Explore and expose your ideas

Bhagat Singh was sent to the gallows when he was 23. But by that time he had created such a monument of work that still continues to serve as a guiding principle. Bhagat Singh believed in the maxim that the revolutions happen when ideas were tossed around, practiced and debated over - as he had written:

"The sword of revolution is sharpened on the whetting stone of ideas."

In this age of the 150-word syndrome, there is a malaise of copy-paste and forward, but the ideas are not germinating and proliferating. In an age when online platforms to share the ideas abound, it is ironical that the ideas are still difficult to come by.

Use your message to communicate with the masses

Of particular importance here is the use of posters and theater. While this may hold a small appeal to the present generation, but if we really want to expand and expound an idea then there is no better way to pitch out in the public domain, as matters of concern are pushing the periphery. One has used one's imagination to make the issues plagued by the most effective way possible.

Do not depend on others - do it on your own.

There is a very famous quote of Bhagat Singh - "Zindagi has been able to join us." (Life is lived on one's own strength, other's shoulders used for the possession of the coffin) If we start believing and practicing this idea, the 'recommendation syndrome' that plagues the growth of our society.

Do not wallow in the status quo. Thrive in chaos and enjoy it.

We have developed this syndrome of being happy and sanguine in an even-paced life that should not be disturbed at any cost. But in the bargain, it is really annulled our thinking process. To revive and resurrect it, Bhagat Singh:

"The people usually get accustomed to the established order of things and begin to tremble at the very idea of a change. It is the spirit of lethargy that needs to be replaced by the revolutionary spirit. Otherwise, degeneration gains the upper arm and the whole of humanity is led by the reactionary forces. Such a state of affairs leads to stagnation and paralysis in human progress. "
The Bhagat Singh

The Bhagat Singh who we as a nation remembered is the color of the persona that Manoj Kumar who had visualized his character in the film Bhagat Singh. But Bhagat Singh is not just a cinematic creation, as interpreted by Manoj Kumar and later on by scores of other filmmakers who also did no justice to his big personality. Bhagat Singh is as relevant today as he is almost a century ago. And if we have to grow, and grow in the right direction, we need to understand and adopt the ideas.

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