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Bauhaus, Anniversary of Bauhaus 100th

2019 will mark a century since the founding of the world-famous Bauhaus.
Berlin, Weimar and Dessau and partners from Germany and all over the world will be joining to commemorate the centenary of one of the most famous architecture movements of the 20th century, Bauhaus, Anniversary of Bauhaus 100th.

Bauhaus, Anniversary of Bauhaus 100th

Today, the Bauhaus is known around the world, but it was one of the most successful German cultural exports of the 20th century.

The Bauhaus was founded in Weimar in 1919 and moved to Dessau in 1925 and later to Berlin. It was closed in 1933 under pressure from the new National Socialist regime.
In this brief creative period, the Bauhaus created ideas that have had a lasting impact in the fields of art, design and architecture, for example, László Moholy-Nagy’s telephone paintings, Marcel Breuer’s “Wassily” chair, and Stuttgart’s Weißenhof Estate.

Some of the best known representatives of the Bauhaus include Lyonel Feininger, László Moholy-Nagy, Walter Gropius, Oskar Schlemmer, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Gerhard Marcks, and, of course, Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.

Three Bauhaus institutions with collections, the Bauhaus Archive/Museum for Design in Berlin, the Klassik Stiftung Weimar, and the Bauhaus Foundation Dessau are inviting the world to a centenary celebration.
The Bauhaus Centenary is being marked with a world tour that will cover five continents, bringing exhibitions, events, tours, and innovative training formats as well as three brand new museums to the original homes to the Bauhaus: Weimar, Dessau, and Berlin.

A Run-Up to the Centenary

The first projects are already underway in preparation for the 2019 centenary year. “Bauhaus agents” have been developing innovative educational formats since 2016. And 2017 will see some major exhibitions in the Bauhaus cities in preparation for the 100th anniversary celebrations.

The Bauhaus Archive in Berlin has the world’s largest collection on the history and influence of the Bauhaus. On the occasion of the centenary, the Bauhaus Archive is being expanded to become a new museum. 2017 will see the last exhibition in its old home, featuring of its world-famous Bauhaus collection in the exhibition “Bauhaus in Motion”.
The famous former teachers at the Bauhaus, including Walter Gropius, Wassily Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Oskar Schlemmer, and László Moholy-Nagy as well as numerous students will be represented.

2017 also marks the start of the international touring exhibit “Migrant Bauhaus” in cooperation with the Goethe Institut and the House of World Cultures. It is travelling to cities on five continents, including Bombay, Kyoto, Lagos, Moscow, São Paulo, and Boston, and will work with local artists to trace the continued relevance of this global movement to this day. The tour will have its grand finale in 2019 when “Migrant Bauhaus” returns to Germany with the results of this intercultural dialogue.

The 2019 Centenary

The Bauhaus Association will launch the centenary celebrations in 2019 with a large opening festival in Berlin. The celebration will be in the best Bauhaus tradition with contemporary, international performances, music, and film.

All of the major Bauhaus cities will be presenting major exhibitions. The centenary exhibition at Berlin’s Bauhaus Archive will be entitled “bauhaus: production – reproduction” and will be dedicated to the relationships between one-of-a-kind pieces and mass production, originals and reproductions.

Berlin’s neighbouring state of Brandenburg will be showcasing modern masterpieces contemporary with the Bauhaus movement.
Not only did the three Bauhaus directors Walter Gropius, Hannes Meyer, and Mies van der Rohe leave their traces on Brandenburg, but also other well-known architects such as Otto Haesler, Erich Mendelsohn, and Bruno and Max Taut. The most striking examples are certainly Potsdam’s Einstein Tower, the Luckenwalde hat factory, the Riehl, Urbig, and Mosler houses in Potsdam’s Neubabelsberg district, the Kupferhaus estate in Eberswalde-Finow, and ADGB national trade union federation school in Bernau.

In addition, there will be a “Grand Tour of Modernism”, offering a nationwide itinerary of approx. 100 places that reflect a century of Bauhaus influence. The route will run from classic Bauhaus locations and UNESCO World Heritage sites to buildings of early and post-war modernism.

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