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SEO for Dentists Clinic: Tips for Dental Practices to Rank #1 on Google


The scope of finding professionals from different fields has significantly increased through online searches. This has also taught every business one important lesson: If you strive to be the most popular service provider or seller, you need to have an online presence. Today some businesses survive solely based on a powerful online presence. Eventually, they end up becoming industry leaders online.

Is blogging good for SEO and blogging SEO are no exception to this. If you have a dental clinic, you must have your own website that ranks on the first page of Google with the help of effective Is blogging good for SEO. Some of these entail smart work/ knowledge, and some of it is simply hard work. However, with a combination of the two and a little bit of patience, you can see wonders in your Is blogging good for SEO.

Are you clueless about SEO and what can be done to improve your ranks and overall online presence? If so, this blog will help you with the most important, yet doable blogging SEO tactics. None of the information mentioned in this blog is impossible for you to achieve if you are blogging. It’s a lot more difficult to become blogging than it is to build a decent website!

All you have to do after reading this blog is to make the required changes to your website, and wait for it to rank a lot better than before. Without further ado, here are the top blogging SEO marketing tips.

What is SEO? Why Does It Matter To dental clinic?

SEO stand's for Search Engine Optimization. It helps in increasing traffic to your website and ranking it better on Google. Far more traffic to your website means far more leads for your business.  This alone will result in you seeing a dramatic shift in your business volume and turn around.

Even though SEO has such potential when a likely customer does a local search for dentists, in most cases, its practically ignored by most dentists.

Most dentists are quite busy with their own set of highly technical services, and SEO definitely takes the backseat even if you have a website. If you are a dentist and have a website, the truth is you really need to learn how to attract customers online.

It helps to maximize your chances of attracting customers for one simple reason. Today, everyone looks for everything online. Ensuring that your website is visible is the only way to market your services now directly.

However, having a website and not optimizing it can be a total waste. There are a few reasons why SEO for dentists is just as important as it is for any other business. Let’s take a look at why SEO matters to dentists:

Having a well-ranked website adds to your credibility. It is true that consumers generally assume that a business that does not have good visibility online has less credibility. Alternatively, if a new business works very hard on their SEO and achieves a good SEO rank online, customers will flock to them.

A website ranking on the first page means there are higher chances of having more people visit the website. With this, you also have an increased chance of converting a visitor to a dental clinic. It is true that most people only visit the first page of Google when they’re looking for information. Over 90% of viewers settle for the information available on the first page only and rarely venture into the second or third pages of search results.

You can do better than your competitors and prove it to your audience by clearly outranking them. As you begin to outrank your competitors on Google and other search engines, you will find that a disproportionate flow of queries/inquiries will flow your way.

All these three reasons are enough for you to invest your time and effort into SEO. However, you don’t have to be a dental clinic SEO expert for that. The below-given tips would help any amateur rank better when followed properly:

5 Tips for SEO For a dental clinic

  • Optimize your website for SEO

The dental patient should find your website easy to navigate through to find the needed info. For this purpose, you should make sure you have a website map that leads people to the desired page within a few clicks. Have categories and subcategories so that people know where they can find the information.

Many websites on the internet are unfortunately complicated and painstaking to operate/use. Simplicity in navigation is key to keeping your customers from leaving your website.

Customers/ online viewers have a minimal patience threshold; for this reason, its essential to keep things as direct and straightforward as possible. The reason for this is online viewers have unlimited options/sites to choose from. If they find a site too complicated to navigate, they will go to an alternate website. The truth is the simplest websites convert the most viewers to customers.

Typically, an online viewer should be able to find the correct buttons they’re looking for with ease. The menus or means of navigation should be as plainly visible as possible. Additionally, a potential online customer should be able to find the specific information they’re looking for in as little as 3 to 4 clicks of the mouse.

The number of clicks of the mouse is a professional industry standard. This helps maximize conversion from your site.

The web design should speak about your business. For dentists, a decent and simple website with a dichromatic website theme would be amazing and more than enough.

The look of a website speaks about the level of professionalism of the organization. Typically, websites of very large organizations are bland and simple, presenting information in a clear and matter of fact way, easy to navigate and efficient at providing information. Such websites reflect/showcase their work culture.

Special focus is given to things such as color combinations. Believe it, or not colors play a significant role in affecting human moods and decision making. Using the correct colors makes a big difference in how a person feels being on that site.

The popular social media giant Facebook has a standard blue and white theme. This gives it a friendly and comfortable look and feels, as most viewers stay on the site for prolonged periods. Wikipedia, on the other hand, has a simple navigation method and a color theme of black and white mostly, yet it is one of the highest-ranked sites on the internet.

Designing an efficient website is a far more complicated means to an end than most website owners understand. You need to pay close attention to the color combinations that you use on your website as a dentist, to appeal to your target audience.

A real issue that every dentist must come to terms with is as follows; typically, no one loves to go to the dentist, and kids are terrified in most cases! Although dentistry is an essential part of our health and life, customers still tend to avoid visiting a dentist as far as possible. To understand these points before building your site would ensure that you do as much as possible to make the site give a warm, comforting, and pleasant look and feel.

Besides the look and feel factors, make sure the page loading time is less. If your page takes a lot of time to load, people would get frustrated and leave your page. This increases the bounce rate, which influences your Google ranks.

Now once you got your website online and you are getting a trickle of visitors on it, you will want to keep a tab on your bounce rate. Slow page loading speed happens due to a number of reasons, and one of the primary reasons is having heavy pictures on your website. Also, do keep in mind that sites that have a dark-colored background on their pages will load a lot slower than a white background website. Keeping the pages white is essential.

Take Wikipedia for example, their website is as simple as possible, and it’s one of the top 5 ranked websites on the internet. (The highest-ranking website being Google itself, followed by facebook). Wikipedia is on a white background, and the size of images on Wikipedia is stamp sized. All this is not an accident or poor aesthetic designing. This is to ensure that the site is feather-light and the pages load ASAP.

When a website loads within a second or two, it reduces the bounce rate of the page by a lot. To accomplish this, the page needs to be light, or with a few dark colors and heavy high-resolution pictures on it. There are additional factors and features that also contribute to page loading speed; however, this one point is the biggest cause of slow page loading speed in websites.

Also, websites that load slowly tend to affect the online credibility of the business. To avoid such problems, it is important to focus on every aspect of your site when you’re building it and onward.

  • Add Relevant Keywords for SEO

Keywords are the search terms that people use when they’re looking for some info on the internet. They’re the framework for your content creation, be it services pages or blog posts.

The right keywords will bring more people to your website. 'Keyword Research' plays a crucial role in deciding if your pages would be visible on the first page of Google. To understand the concept of keywords and to rank your website, you need to understand the concept of Google and other search engines first.

  • how does a search engine work step by step

Google is a search engine, and everyone knows this. What does Google do, or rather what does Google say it does? Google says its an information provider, and so are the rest of the search engines out there.

What Google and other search engine robots or bots are looking for all the time is information pertaining to every category that they can neatly index into their databases. When Google indexes a certain website, it identifies which database the website should be indexed into, based on the keywords. For example, an ideal keyword for a dental clinic website could be “dental clinic implant” as there are more chances that the target audience will search for this.

The second part of Google assessment is how to rank that site. Keeping in mind, Google is a search engine that provides information to users. Also, Google also has competitors of its own such as Yahoo, so it ensures that its services are the best/most accurate.

Once indexed, how will Google decide how your site should be ranked among other dental clinic sites?

Content and keywords are the answer. The amount of content that you post related to any topic of your field. Let’s assume, for example, you’re posting information related to pain-free treatments. How many perspectives are you covering the subject from determining your ranking?

Assuming that most websites have one page with 350 words dedicated to the topic of pain-free treatments, and that serves their purpose. However, if a website exists that has broken pain-free treatments into several subcategories and has covered the subject from every perspective with multiple pages, Google will favor that website like the one that should be ranked the highest.

Why will Google do this? The answer is simple; Google is an information provider that wants to ensure that it’s serving its customers the best and most accurate information. Having ample information on your website is an essential key to ensuring that your site ranks well.

Most websites lack sufficient content, and adding content regularly has more than one benefit. The better you break down a topic and present it in a detailed and neatly formatted manner, the better your site will rank.

For example, this is a piece of content that pertains specifically to the subject of SEO for Dentists, while every industry requires SEO to promote itself online. Those who break down information specifically like this, stand a greater chance of having their content ranked higher. This is a very specific blog written to help Dentists achieve better rankings using SEO.

The length of content also matters, and now if you want Google to take you seriously, you will need to publish blogs that are at least 1000 words long or more. Especially if you are publishing content related to a field (such as dentistry) where plenty of prior information already exists online. Also, keep in mind, there is nobody who can know more about your business and industry than you.

  • Long-tail and Short-tail keywords

Typically, keywords are broken down into short-tail and long-tail keywords. Short tail keywords are related to the subject. For example, the subject we are writing about here is SEO. ‘SEO’ is a short tail keyword, and a dental clinic SEO company is a long-tail keyword.

Both of these are important, and Google looks at the ratio of keywords to determine what exactly a particular piece of content is all about. As in this case, we are discussing dental clinic SEO services, so that Google will index this piece of content accordingly.

How keywords work is like this; when a person searches for something online, they knowingly or unknowingly use keywords. If I want to buy a new mobile phone, I will have to use the words Mobile phone/cell phone/touch screen phone or smartphone. Additionally, I will put in additional keywords such as features cost and possibly model. Google will pull up those sites where the information exists, and according to its own evaluation related to the reliability/reputation of the website.

  • Google Guidelines for SEO

Google parameters themselves state not to overuse keywords in your content. This is called keyword stuffing, and Google ranks such content and sites as spammy. Once a site is de-ranked as spam, it loses all its ranking and is effectively blacklisted.

There are many guidelines known as Google Webmaster Guidelines. These are the rules that Google states all websites must play by. Those websites that use unfair SEO tactics such as keyword stuffing, to try and manipulate the search engine are penalized/de-ranked.

Google guidelines also state that the content you post on your website should be relevant and easily readable. Readable means in layman’s terms that college-level writing is a bit over the top, 7th to 8th grade English is easier to read for a wider audience, in its attempt to provide all users with a good experience, Google insists that the English used should cater to the widest possible audience. These are points to keep in mind when you are writing blogs for your website.

While you don’t need to worry much about breaking the SEO rules, it is good to be aware of them, even for a dentist! It will make all the difference between a well-ranked website and a poorly ranked website.

For dental clinics, there can be two useful categories of keywords.

  1. Looking for information
  2. Looking for service

While some people look for services, others look for useful information. You can convert the people looking for services to be your clients.

However, people who are researching information can add to your traffic. Both of these users have to be targeted specifically.

When you’re offering certain services, adding keywords that are a combination of the services that you offer and your city would be the best idea.

For instance, using a keyword like “Invisalign treatment in Sacramento” would help people who are looking for Invisalign treatment in that part of the city.

So, come up with high search volume keywords related to your services and add your location to the keywords to make your content rank better.

Google is very location specific about how it presents information to its viewers. For example, if a person wants to rent a car and they’re Googling it from a particular location. Google will share results with them for that particular location primarily.

For example, if you’re looking to rent a car in Houston, Texas, and you simply type in ‘car rentals’, Google will show you results for car rentals in Houston, Texas, rather than in LA or all locations around the country. This is done based on the location of the searcher.

To help Google understand where you are located, you will need to use keywords such as dental clinic SEO marketing Houston. You will need to mention in your content where your services are located. Your business location helps Google provide users with a better experience.

If you ensure that you align your website as far as possible with all these little requirements that Google has, it will rank a whole lot better. For you to be able to do this, you need to learn a little about SEO and search engines.

  • Don’t forget about Blogging

Blogging is the best way to add keywords that target the audience looking for guides and tips (information.) These types of blogs attract more people to your dental services and can increase brand awareness.

Blogs, like “how to whiten your teeth at home” with appropriate short-form and long-form keywords would help you rank them.

Here are some tips to follow while blogging so that you carry out proper dental clinic content marketing

  • Make sure the blogs are relevant to your niche.
  • The blogs should be at least 1000 words. This indicates that your blog is informative and useful enough for the audience.
  • Don’t over-stuff keywords. Always use an optimum number of keywords in a way that they go with the flow of the content and don’t come off as unnatural or stuffed.

Blogging regularly ensures that the search engines review your website regularly. A website requires regular and constant work. You can never bring a website to the top and stop working on it, hoping it will remain there. It will not; it will slide back down the ranks. The reason for this is simply because Google ranks websites that are regularly updated as they have the latest information and are generally up to date in their facts and figures.

Google understands that all information is not evergreen, and in time newer information replaces old information, in most cases.

In the last 10 years, there have been many advancements in dentistry equipment, medicine, methods, and so on. Today if a user searches Google looking for information, Google will serve them information from a well-ranked website that has recently posted information related to the specific subject. This is an attempt to provide the user with the best user experience and useful & relevant information.

  • Focus on Local SEO

Having links to and from sites that are relevant to your niche also helps in ranking your page better. This is why link building is one of the most important aspects of dental clinic SEO services. When you write a blog, you can link certain information to other powerful websites that make your blogs credible.

There’s even more credibility when you receive links from websites that are doing better than yours but are not your direct competitor. Being acknowledged by high authority websites establishes you as an expert in your field.

Citations are essential for a business that depends a lot on local searches. First of all, cite your practice details through NAP (name, address, phone number) on your website.

Mention it at the bottom of each service page. Look for niche-relevant online directories and get yourself listed on them. There are a number of free online directories, and being listed on them helps you rank better by increasing your local visibility.

Marketers who work in the field of local SEO services know that 2019 is the year where they can reap the benefits of their efforts. The local search marketing industry is continually evolving, and so is the process of doing local SEO for dentists.

The new trends remind online marketers to continue the hard work, the white hat methods and focus on iron-clad approaches for success.

When it comes to dental clinic SEO experts, the end goal is to generate leads and attract prospective patients to a dental clinic firm.

If you are a dental clinic professional, you may already know that direct mailing and other pre-millennial marketing strategies no longer work. This is one of the reasons why local SEO for dentists is famous nowadays.


Acquiring potential patients is the lifeblood of successful dental clinic service. However, in the changed circumstances, generating the right amount of quality leads is a daunting task, and you need new strategies.

This is where the concept of local SEO for dentists comes in.

Once you figure out the importance of local SEO, you will come to know that agencies that adapt to changes can give you the best results.

Why is Local SEO for Dentists Vital for The Growth of your Dental Business?

Local businesses, especially, dental clinic SEO company require online visibility for survival and to grow as a notable brand.

With smartphones taking the center-stage in digital marketing, you can’t skip any tactics that help display your dental clinic services online.

Overlooking the latest best practices can leave your dental clinic business in shackles. If you want your dental clinic services to succeed in the digital sphere, you need to understand the importance of local SEO strategy.

However, dental clinic business owners often underestimate the impact of local SEO services. In this article, we will take you through some points that will help you with SEO for dentists.

If you want your dental clinic website to start ranking in #1 position on Google, you have to optimize the Google My Business page.

The #1 position of the online search results page is also something that your competitors aim. So, the task to get featured in the top tier can be competitive.

To compete in this crowded field, you need to do more than optimization. This is where the concept of citations and links comes in. It is the next vital step to separate yourself from other local dentists in your area.

Doing Local SEO for Dentists Using Citations

These are mentions that are related to your dental clinic practice Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP).

It would be best if you can get the citation and links to your website from local market directories, niche specific websites and apps, and on social platforms.

Adding citations can help your prospective clients to find your local dental clinic business online. Additionally, it can also impact the search visibility on local search engine rankings.

Google My Business page is a crucial directory listing for dental clinic practitioners. However, there are plenty of other local citation sites for dentists to help you rank in #1 position of Google Search Results Page (SERP).

The Three Main Categories of Citation Sites Used for Doing Local SEO for Dentists


Getting your dental clinic website listed in major national business directories is a good starting point.

If your dental clinic business is based in the United States, you may want to consider top directories like www.yelp.com, www.yellowpages.com, and www.citysearch.com. It is also advised that you set up social media accounts for better results.

Dental industry-specific directions

You have to submit your dental clinic business details to the dental clinic and medical directories for getting industry-specific citations. Even though some industry-specific directories are free, there are others that provide paid citations.

It is ideal to focus on the free directories first. If you get intend to go for paid directories, you have to ensure it can generate referral traffic to your website. The referral traffic from these sites can be tracked using Google Analytics.

Local Directories

Lastly, you have to focus on local business directories in your area. For example, a local directory can be the website of the local chamber of commerce.

It is essential to have a permanent Business Name, Address, and Phone number for your dental clinic business so that it remains 100% reliable across all directories.

Creating local SEO for dentists through quality links

Google places much emphasis on the types of websites that are linked to your dental clinic website. Links are like votes in favor of your website’s authority and significance.

Getting links to firm websites that are relevant to the dental clinic business can increase the quality of the site. To ensure that your website receives these high-quality links, you must follow a few of these tactics.

Offline Relationships

It is essential to maintain offline relationships with people linked to the dental profession, and It is one of the quickest ways to gain links from niche-relevant websites.

If you have a good referral relationship with other medical professionals; then you could link to each other as recommending resources on your website.

Competitor Research

This is another method to get contextually relevant links to your dental clinic website. Check the websites that are linked to your competitors. See if you can acquire similar links and mentions from these sites through manual outreach.

You can do the competitor research using tools such as Ahrefs and Moz Open Site Explorer. This way you can find additional directory opportunities or come across other ideas on how you can attract quality links to your dental clinic website.

Public Relations and media outreach

Another way to get a high-quality link to your dental clinic website is by spending time for local PR outreach.

Offering a free dental checkup or informing the public about an award or recognition received is an excellent way to get online and offline press coverage.


The secret of getting reviews from your patients includes providing excellent service. Apart from that, you can ask your patients to leave a review for your dental business; but you have to make it easy for them.

The best way to get reviews from clients is by sending them a personalized email, with a request to leave a positive review on your Google My Business Page.


Tracking is vital for gauging the success of the Local SEO campaign of dental clinic websites. The three-core metrics you need to track are listed below:-

Rankings:– The rankings of location-specific keywords are something that you have to monitor constantly. Generally, rankings have to be checked once or twice per month.

Traffic:– Keep in mind that rankings are not everything! You also want to keep track of how much traffic you are receiving. In online marketing “traffic” means website visitors that include your prospective clients.

Conversions:– Along with rankings and traffic you have to track the number of conversions you’re getting from the dental clinic SEO services. Conversion is a specific action that you would want the website visitor to undertake.

  • Be on Google My Business

If you have a 'Local Business' like a dental clinic and you’re keen on doing SEO for dentists, it’s imperative to be on Google My Business. It’s an easy task to sign up for it, and it’s incredibly rewarding as well.

You get to list your business-related details, location, and your contact information on Google My Business.

Besides this, it also helps you to be a part of the results for “nearby” searches. Most people who are looking for dental services would definitely want to visit one that’s reputed and is close to their location.

Google My Business sets this impression for you, increasing the chances of visits to your clinic through online searches.

These are some of the easy tips that can help you rank your website better on Google. If you find SEO tricky, you can also look for a dental SEO expert to do the job for you. Investing in SEO practices for your website would only bring you more patients, and thus, it’s definitely worth the investment.

How has dental clinic search queries over Google evolved?

Over the last decade, the internet has evolved, and so has the way people view information now. Additionally, technology in the consumer’s hand as well as in the field of dentistry has evolved and changed. Similarly, Google itself has changed and evolved and grown as a search engine.

The parameters of Google have been constantly changed and upgraded because of competition for the top spots. To ensure the consumer gets the best information available always, Google has changed practically all their parameters to ensure that the viewer receives the best information possible.

Reasons why dental clinic should invest in SEO

SEO is the primary means of generating leads today. Everyone who has a smartphone and wants to know anything has instant access to the internet. Google has become the face of the internet now. SEO is the only way to get one’s website to rank on Google.

To not invest in SEO and an online presence will be disastrous for any dental business in the future. Our world is soon reaching a point where everything is going online in the very near future. As a result, learning SEO is not so much a matter of choice as it is a necessity now.

Drive more customers with dental clinic SEO

The easiest method to drive more customers is via a good strong online presence. When any dental clinic business website shows up easily online, they receive a large number of inquiries from customers around them.

The good part about dental clinic marketing online is that your business website will be available for local customers mostly. This ensures that it will be easier to achieve online visibility for yourself and your dental clinic business.

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